Foetus - Calamity Crush

Socialist sitcom in a modern urbanized society
Weekend commies and born-again cows don't mean doodly squat
I'll lead depressionist youth mass to mock
Rebellion for a fee
Choose choose choose choose your weapons
We're in a calamity crush

In last week's episode, South of Boredom, John Citizen was dead
Tear up the handshake - it don't mean doodly squat
Lead the depressionist youth mass
Better dead than red
Choo ch-ch-ch-ch-ch choose your weapons
We're in a calamity crush

Repressionist sitcom in a modern urbanized society
Weekend commies and born-again cows don't mean nothing to me
Lead the depressionist youth mass into a new philosophy
Choose choose choose choose your weapons
This is the calamity crush
Choose choose choose choose your weapons
This is the calamity crush
Choose choose choose choose your weapons
This is the calamity crush

Rug rats, drug rats, pig axe, wrong facts, had it up to here
Too late to turn back so do the calamity crush
Rug rats, drug rats, pick axe, wrong facts
Bringing up the rear
Too tired to go forward, too late to go to work
So do the calamity crush

We're in a calamity crush
This is the calamity crush
We're in a calamity crush
So do the calamity crush

We're in a calamity crush
This is the calamity crush
We're in a calamity crush
So do the calamity crush